Your Business Angels - New Businesses

New Businesses

While the vast majority of businesses in Australia are small — accounting for 97 percent of all businesses — they’re shutting their doors in alarmingly high numbers.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, more than 60 percent of small businesses cease operating within the first three years of starting.

Your Business Angels LTD PTY knows about growing a business.

The business was started by the CEO in his lounge room and has, with hard work and planning, developed the service it is today.

The journey involves dealing with a constantly changing market, software and business environments, but somehow the one constant is the relentless need to pay taxes and be compliant.

Setting up in a proper structure will help manage the business, keeping the business owners personal affairs separate.

There are usually a few things to sacrifice in the first years and having a decent personal budget plays an important part.

So, being completely on top of the cash flow – making sure that the business is profitable and the Australian Taxation Office dealt with (using one of our “paying tax” plans) is all part of that.

This can all be achieved with our Precise Accounting Program, run through our accounting arm Fresh Numbers.

Stay on top, don’t let late information be your downfall. Give us a call and come and see what we have to offer.