Repair The Past. Rescue The Future.

Dear Landlord

After a bit of time legislation for commercial rents are in place. The Australian Government, together with the states and territories have agreed on a common set of principles

How to get Your Business in order

Get the accounts completed. Know what your tax debt and other commitments are. Use this period when everyone including the Australian Taxation Office is flexible to plan a way out

Getting it right with the landlord

When you step back into your business to operate, you’ll be short of cash flow, you’ll be thinking you need to have enough to pay the staff each week and pay your suppliers as yours and other businesses find their stride.

Re-invention – the story of flight

Already stories are appearing on the reinvention of businesses. As some collapse, others will grow out of that. Can you reinvent your business, no matter how humble it is?


Now there are real lessons in this film Allow for the humanity, allow for 35 seconds Share this story – Gavin Waring CEO Your Business Angels

How to restart a business

Go to the door, put the key in the door, turn the lock, turn the door knob, push the door, step inside the door, close the door, walk in and start.

Jet aircraft take about 400 out staff hours to park and initially maintain

CEO of Your Business Angels Message – keep going – it’s what you always did.

Swimming to Safe Harbour

A rescue lifeboat is a boat rescue craft which is used to attend someone in distress.

Seven Things You Should Stop Doing

During the global financial crisis we had some warning, we saw news reports where people wearing suits will walking out of investment banks on Wall Street carrying their box file that represented their personal items from the desk.