Your Business Angels - TRUE GRIT



Another lockdown in Victoria and the articles in papers, online and on TV that this will be the final straw for many businesses is doing the rounds.

There are interviews with people who head small business organisations and other groups representing businesses in the community, and they say, “this will be the final straw for many”.

I disagree.

Completely disagree.

So many people who run small businesses get up every morning and push themselves to keep work or find work for their business have true grit.

And that true grit goes for many who have jobs in small businesses who understand what “their” business needs to do to get through.

Under the endless barrage of what is wrong with Australians, we have not heard of the great things, about business owners’ “true grit” and their employees and subcontractors.

A person with true grit has passion and perseverance.

Goals are set and followed through. A person who works hard to follow through on commitments has true grit. It is not a word you hear very often.

This lockdown has many businesses still operating, and I say more than often we at Your Business Angels are lucky, as we are predominately working with trades that can keep going.

In a small lockdown, most clients can keep on-site or do a “work around” with our help.

But it is those café owners and hospitality businesses that I have a genuine admiration for.

A critical component of grit is resilience.

Resilience is the powering mechanism that draws your head up, moves you forward and helps you persevere despite whatever obstacles you face along the way.

“Not knowing when to quit” would be a cynical view of things, but the courage of small businesses over the year is one of the significant assets of Australia, and you will not find it on a balance sheet.

Every morning I review the companies and the number of companies that go into administration or liquidation or have a windup order on them.

Considering the year or more we have been through, the list is always small.

Businesses are holding on, probably in many cases, because despite what’s in the press, the Australian Taxation is holding off.

Our experience is that businesses are arriving at (hopefully) the end of COVID profitable, something that can trade forward, but the balance sheet, in many cases in bad shape – usually reflected in large tax debt.

Your business Angels can work with your grit and resilience to solve many business problems and find workarounds for unsurmountable issues.

There have been two great experiences over this challenging period, one has been to work with determined business owners and to see them through problems, and the other is to have a great team at Your Business Angels to make it happen.

We look forward to working forward with our bold clients and helping all those who have problems that need solving.

Serviced by related company Fresh Number Pty Ltd

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