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This must be actioned…………Our clients – that’s you – are now getting their Workcover bills, and they are outrageous. There is only one thing to do – please read below

You know the headlines – see below what to do……..

Businesses blast 42 percent increase in Vic Workcover premiums

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You know the headlines – see below what to do……..

Businesses blast 42 percent increase in Vic Workcover premiums

Businesses blasted the Andrews government for what they said was a 42 percent increase in levies to pay for Victoria’s “fundamentally broken” WorkCover scheme, with cost blowouts mainly the result of increased mental health injury claims within the public service.

A major shake-up to ‘broken’ Workcover system

Looming shortfalls of $1bn a year have prompted the Andrews government to make sweeping changes, including slugging businesses a higher premium.

Victorian Workers and Businesses pay the price for Andrews Government’s broken Workcover Scheme

Victorian workers and businesses will pay the price for the Andrews Government’s 42 percent increase in premiums to try to save its broken Workcover scheme.

Following years of mismanagement under the Andrews Government, Victoria’s Workcover scheme has become financially unviable and has been driven into a more than billion-dollar deficit.

We have had calls from clients – what do we do? My Workcover bill has gone up to $92,000.00. Inflation – thank you Mr Andrews this is the start of dreadful taxes that the current Victorian Government will instigate, and you can only pass it on.

You need to increase your hourly rate, fees, or whatever to cover the new Workcover rates.

One standard strategy we give all clients through this inflation period has been increasing your prices. Businesses you work for and clients understand this as they all have problems themselves and understand that suppliers and contractors need more.

In the case of tradies, we recommend that you all put up your price in Victoria by $10.00 plus GST per hour minimum to cover the new costs in Workcover and the taxes that will come to you soon from the state government. This isn’t an amount that you increase your profit; this is an amount that you cover your costs. So, if you want help wording any letter or email you are sending to your clients, don’t hesitate to contact your client coordinator so we can help.

Serviced by related company Fresh Number Pty Ltd

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