Repair The Past. Rescue The Future.
  • Problem Solving

    Trust us, we’ve seen just about everything.

    We are a dedicated accounting and consulting firm in our 30th year, specializing in guiding companies through challenging business issues.

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What We Do

Solving the problems of your past and protecting your future.


Do you need a tax solution?

The sooner you address your tax debt, the better the outcome. Delaying action increases the risk of the ATO taking enforcement measures. Instead of proactively solving the issue now, you may end up dealing with complications such as Director Penalty Notices, garnishee notices, and other actions the ATO can impose. Acting promptly will help us avoid these additional challenges and find an effective solution for your situation.

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Accounts and lodgement

I need help with accounting and lodgements

Dealing with backlogged accounts can be overwhelming for a business owner. Multiple bank accounts, insufficient time for paperwork, and unreconciled debtors and creditors can add to the confusion. Often, the only indicator of financial health is simply checking if there’s money in the bank.

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Affecting you directly

I think I need help with insolvency

Vulnerability is the inability to resist a hazard or respond effectively when a disaster occurs. Making the first call to Your Business Angels can be difficult and emotional, but once you do,  you’ll experience the compassionate and professional support we offer.

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I think my business structure is creating problems for me

The wrong business structure can leave your family home and other assets exposed. It can also mean that a lot of your income is exposed to the highest rate of tax, especially if you do not have any tax planning in place.

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I’m feeling vulnerable and overwhelmed

Understanding how dealing with an insolvency firm can impact you, your business, and your family can be challenging. The internet is rife with horror stories and misleading information, particularly from those claiming to help troubled businesses through aggressive campaigns.

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