Repair The Past. Rescue The Future.

“I know where I’m going – I’m not too sure where I am when I get there” – Gavin Waring

I have used this a lot over the last 23 years. I started this business out after a financial disaster, one that I know no one else would want and I began to create a business that would protect and help others.

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I said that.

I have used this a lot over the last 23 years. I started this business out after a financial disaster, one that I know no one else would want and I began to create a business that would protect and help others. I started with hospitality and it developed soon after when someone who operated a plastic injection moulding business asked me to help them.

I knew nothing about plastic injection moulding, but I saw it as an addition to the small at the time business that I had created and started by applying the same costing procedures that exist in hospitality – which by the way followed for most businesses is without question the best for control.

Your Business Angels and its accounting firms continue to develop. We have created our own software and we are looking to sell that to other accounting firms. We have seen the landscape of Australia change so that the majority of enterprises are people working for themselves (61.2%) and or has one to four employees (27.2%) making up the majority of enterprises in Australia. The needs of so many smaller businesses is not for a more groovy piece of software, but real information so they can quickly absorb it and get on with work, as their time is the real money.

And so “I’m not too sure when I get there” as I have been reading this morning the latest Wired Magazine which is all about AI (artificial intelligence and how the developers are hard wiring these with their view of the world), machines that can brick a house and a whole bunch of things that are changing where we are going.

Have your goals, be open, but be prepared to know there will be changes and new skills to learn.

Serviced by related company Fresh Number Pty Ltd

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