Repair The Past. Rescue The Future.

The ATO is Moving Non-Compliant Businesses to Monthly BAS Reporting — What It Means for You (and Us)

Every morning, I flick through Accountant Daily, and lately, it’s become crystal clear that the ATO is using the publication to quietly drip-feed their latest strategies to accountants like us. This is their way of getting us to carry their message to our clients — and the latest one is worth paying attention to.

Why I Ditched the BMW and Now Drive a Prado — And Why You Should Think Twice Before Swapping Your Car Every Few Years

Over the years, I’ve owned my fair share of cars — including the shiny, overpriced, and perpetually problematic BMWs. They looked great in the driveway, sure, but they came with a constant stream of high-maintenance costs, electronic failures, and the kind of repair bills that make you question your life choices.

The Difference Between Borrowing Directly for Your Business and Lending to Your Business Yourself

By structuring the loan this way, you personally borrow and lend to your business, turning yourself into the primary creditor. This strategy puts you in a far stronger position if things ever go wrong, while maintaining greater control over your finances.

Things to know when dealing with a tax debt

Many business owners allow the tax debt to creep up on them.

Part One – The Nature of Tax Setting you and your business on the road to tax planning

Tax never sleeps – it’s always up and about looking to get you.