Your Business Angels - Accounts a mess – not seeing a chance of getting any of the stimulus package

Accounts a mess – not seeing a chance of getting any of the stimulus package


Maybe you have put your name down, registered, but what happens when you have no records of trading because your accounts are a mess and you are behind?

You were always meaning to get the accounts brought up to date, lodge BAS and do your tax returns.

You were always a bit too busy and now when you’re wondering what will happen with your business in the future now that the crisis has arrived your concerned you might miss out on what might be available for your business with the government stimulus package.

Anytime might have seemed a good time to CATCH UP BUT NOW IS better because The Australian taxation office is in a mood because of the crisis to allow for negotiations that are reasonable and easy to manage and completed accounts prove what your business has been doing and we can apply for the stimulus package for you.

At some point you’ll have to do it anyway.

Your Business Angels can get your accounts brought up to date very quickly, lodged the debt negotiated with the Australian taxation office and then we will seek what you can claim trading forward with the stimulus package.

Will give you a very affordable accounting package moving forward that helps you stay up-to-date on future and get payments of available from stimulus package over the next six months.

Or maybe you’re a business that just lost touch with your accountant and would like to have Your Business Angels explain what you can have is through the stimulus package and then get it sorted for you.

Contact us by phone 1800982559 or [email protected] or visit us through the website at

Serviced by related company Fresh Number Pty Ltd

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