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Construction 2019

Nothing makes sense!
Does it feel like you hit a brick wall in your business?

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Nothing makes sense!
Does it feel like you hit a brick wall in your business?

Don’t really know if you are making a profit or not and tax just keeps hammering away

Paying for bookkeeping and you don’t really know what it’s all about. Nothing makes sense.

Want some real clarity?

Don’t want to pay a fortune?

Would you say $75.oo plus GST per week to have the accounts completed+ a cashflow statement and BAS completed is a good deal?

And we even threw in Tax Shield for those chunky lumps of tax payments. Plus we will always have your business finance ready to go at any moment that is needed be to apply for finance. All this with no extra charge.

Then why not call Fresh Numbers the accounting firm of Your Business Angels for a chat and ask for GAVIN.
Phone 1300 982559 
or [email protected]


Finding profit is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Working hard, just paying bills, then paying tax and back to bills again?

Your accountant hands you stuff to sign and all you do is pay the taxman again – I mean how much does Canberra really need?


Scared of all those nasty words that float around business when it gets hard?

Working hard, you know there should be a profit in there somewhere?

The bookkeeper and the accountant seems to have their own special language and you feel you aren’t in their loop – but you keep paying their bills.


Hey dog, got any fight left?

Ready to fight to make money in your business – well if you are keen then we are.

Sick of not knowing what is going on and wanting to have an accountant that doesn’t bleed you out? But helps you to understand the next step?

Got some fight in you – we mean really got that fight?


Where do you want me to make sense of that?

Looking at the profit, loss and balance sheet but it all looks BS to you…your BS metre is running hot?

Want to know where the real money in your business is, because sure as hell you are working hard and quoting right.

Want some information about your business you can and will understand

Serviced by related company Fresh Number Pty Ltd

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